perjantai 24. joulukuuta 2010

New Sekai ~~


Okay, let's start. ^^ I'm going to write my blog in English now. I hope it will going well.

New Sekai (=new world) means that I'm going to write my blog English, and! I'm going to make it much better. Much interesting etc. :D

I hope I don't make big mistakes with my bad English xd now you think "why you idiot write in English your stupid blog if you even can't?!" haha... not really (I hope..) but reason for that is, cuz I think writing in English it will be much much easier to me ^^

But... MERRY X-MAS ♥♥ ^^ "I wish u a merry x-mas tiditiditiiidi~~"

1 kommentti:

  1. heheh njaw.. Read my blog and see good engrish :DDD i'm so lazy that sometimes i don't read it before i add new blog post.. xD and yeah hehehe.. good engrish good engrish.


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