lauantai 25. joulukuuta 2010

Oww... Here is very cold (:__:")

I'm listening D's Snow White.... very beautiful song♥ Love it!

Sella and Jessica were in my home today ^^ hehe very much fun~~ We all are going to see Miyavi on april to Tavastia Club!♥♥ Aww. Can't wait!!

I really have to clean up my room... on january (or february??) my dear exchange partner from Germany, Steffi is coming to my home! Aww~~ I were in Steffi's home on september or october (grr...don't remember right -__- )and we had so much fun! I will go back to Germany on some day♥♥. I will tell u laiter more 'bout this exchange thing :D

But now! ~~ I show you one of my x-mas presents! tididididid ~~

I LOVE IT!♥ Totoro phoneholder! From Blippo ~~ ^^ heheh.
It's so cute I think. (;ww;)

But now~~ I wanna scream...

....LIKE THIS!!!!

Heheh.... :D Sorry 'bout that (^_^")

Good Night and have fun ~~♥♥

See Yah!♥

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