perjantai 31. joulukuuta 2010

Begin of the year 2011♥


It's 3:31am and it's year 2011!
And amdi took very good picture (= heheh. -->

I really hope this year will be better than year 2010. Hah! First song I listened on this year was Kikka-Apinamies (monkeyman) :D and it was last song of year 2010.

Well, anyway, heeba came to my home~ ^^ I'll show you couple pictures~~ :DD

First me and amdi... *kröhöm* sorry of these faces...ignoring please :DD

Next amdi and heeba♥

heh ^^ chatting in omegle haha! (^3^)

weird pic~


But hehe well~ Good Night and Happy New Year 2011 :DDD ♥

Happy New Year ~ (^3^)

I wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR ~ best wishes and all tiiitidiiditit ~ heheh.

New Year 2011~ I hope it will be much much better than year 2010. It's time to remember year 2010 ~ :DD

28.05.2010 D=OUT, Gloria, Helsinki
One of the best day of my life♥

03.07.-04.07.2010 Tracon V, Tampere
Thanku all you people♥

~Summer 2010~ with my dear friends amdi and heeba♥ Thanku for all of good memories♥

Power Park with amdi♥♥

...And trip to Estonia with amdi♥ heheh :3

15.07.2010 My b-day♥ Thanku heeba and amdi♥♥

♥In memories♥:

15.07.2010 Daisuke♥
06.08.2010 Elina♥
Wind wind there where our Elina is now, play a moment with her hair, tell our love tell how we miss her, tell we are still waiting her

And my dear grandma♥

Well~ Happy New Year♥ ^^

torstai 30. joulukuuta 2010

Cottage~ and back to home ^^

Heh hey again ^^

I'm now back from cottage~ at home with my dear friend Annika♥ ^^

I show you one picture now of cottage...

I think it's very cool ^^ my parents are now in there to celebrate New Year with their friends ^^

Heheh. Now I'm just watching movie with Annika :P watching Blair Witch Project. :DD
I think it's not so scary movie. It's cool ^^ But first time when I watched it it was very scary!

Couple hours ago we was shopping in very very big Äänekoski-city -__-" (sounds like sarcasm? hahaha)

And! Annika is in omegle now :DD maybe I should play The Sims 3 now ~ I'm not sure... I don't really watch that movie all the time... Only when it's night in that movie ^^''

But now I stop to writing... :D and hahaha Annika is funny xDD
and my English sucks right now.. -__-"

Don't kill me ~ :3

Heheh...See Yah♥

tiistai 28. joulukuuta 2010

good news ~~ !

HAH! Internet works! wooo ~~
I'm so happy♥♥

I like this cottage ^^ Yesterday we were in sauna =D very nice~
And we played snowball fight!! I love that♥♥

I try to remember take a picture of this cottage :D heh.

Aww...I'm listening Miyavi again... :DDDD ♥♥

But hmm... See Yah laiter ~~ ♥

sunnuntai 26. joulukuuta 2010

good morning~~

Its very freezing morning AGAIN. And guess what... I woke up ate 9:00 am?! Wtf :D Too early I say.

Heh...I'm listening An Cafe's merimeikingu♥ And my first song today I listened is Poitrine's Get Together. hehe.

Today I'm going to some cottage with my family. We're coming back on saturday ^^ And I'm not sure is my internet working there (;---;``)Hope it works! If it don't work I'm in big trouble. ;---; Almost one week without pico(and twitter and facebook etcetc)!!! I'm gonna die!!

Hmm... What should I do now? Maybe I should pack my stuff now. xd
Well okay... See Yah ~~ ♥♥


Morning again ~~ :D

I woke up at 11:30 am (-___-") and hah, very good morning. First I woke up too late and after that my mother told me that I can't go to shower CUZ......... there is no warm water! fsdjfksjfösda.......

I still go to shower and I took the cold shower.♥♥ (´_´)

Heh...I'm listening Miyavi again ^^'' ♥
I love this CD♥

Well... See Yah♥♥ And hope you all had very good morning!!( me...)

lauantai 25. joulukuuta 2010

Oww... Here is very cold (:__:")

I'm listening D's Snow White.... very beautiful song♥ Love it!

Sella and Jessica were in my home today ^^ hehe very much fun~~ We all are going to see Miyavi on april to Tavastia Club!♥♥ Aww. Can't wait!!

I really have to clean up my room... on january (or february??) my dear exchange partner from Germany, Steffi is coming to my home! Aww~~ I were in Steffi's home on september or october (grr...don't remember right -__- )and we had so much fun! I will go back to Germany on some day♥♥. I will tell u laiter more 'bout this exchange thing :D

But now! ~~ I show you one of my x-mas presents! tididididid ~~

I LOVE IT!♥ Totoro phoneholder! From Blippo ~~ ^^ heheh.
It's so cute I think. (;ww;)

But now~~ I wanna scream...

....LIKE THIS!!!!

Heheh.... :D Sorry 'bout that (^_^")

Good Night and have fun ~~♥♥

See Yah!♥

Help me ~~

Heh... I need help. I hate my HAIR!!!!

Hmm... I want much much more colours. I miss my pink hair.♥ Well now I want scene style hair. Black and blond :___: or many colors♥♥♥ hahah.

haha okay. Now I'm going to shower.

And after shower I try my new clothes!! ~(;ww;)~ ♥

See Yah♥ :-----D

Heh morning ~

Its 11:00 am??? And I'm listening Miyavi's CD again :DD

Oh shit! Very good morning! Three letters in pico! xD and tomorrow I get Token!! ♥♥♥ I'm going to buy some lolita stuff or new window :DDD

Wha wha wha ~ btw.... this morning was very cold xd..... I woke up cuz I was freezing -___-"" Hate it.....

Do you know what ..... xd I'm totally freezing!! I hate winter...too cold...but on summer its TOO HOT. Or its raining all the time. Not so cool xd maybe winter is little bit better than summer. I don't know xD

Well, See Yah again! ♥

perjantai 24. joulukuuta 2010

Are you ready to ROCK ?~~ Merry X-mas!

Woooo ~~~~ Miyavi's CD ~~ dear my friend♥♥ first Miyavi's CD to me♥ !!!

Heheh, Merry X-mas to everybody!♥♥ :33

Heheh... This day was veeery long day I think! I woke up at 8:30 am..... shit xd

Well, have a great X-mas ~~ ♥

New Sekai ~~


Okay, let's start. ^^ I'm going to write my blog in English now. I hope it will going well.

New Sekai (=new world) means that I'm going to write my blog English, and! I'm going to make it much better. Much interesting etc. :D

I hope I don't make big mistakes with my bad English xd now you think "why you idiot write in English your stupid blog if you even can't?!" haha... not really (I hope..) but reason for that is, cuz I think writing in English it will be much much easier to me ^^

But... MERRY X-MAS ♥♥ ^^ "I wish u a merry x-mas tiditiditiiidi~~"